A downloadable game for Windows

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Ensnared in a sinister game of life and death, a young gamer must solve a series of chilling word puzzles to rescue his family from the clutches of The Ghoul—a malevolent and infamous dark web content creator.

With each puzzle solved, the grip of terror tightens; each failure broadcasts the family's plight to an audience of miscreants on the dark web, escalating the stakes in a relentless battle against time and terror.

As players progress, they navigate a twisted narrative where their choices shape the fate of an innocent family, adding layers of suspense and moral dilemma to their harrowing journey.

- 15 - 30 minutes playthrough

- Terrifying Word Puzzles: Navigate through challenging word puzzles designed to test your intellect and nerve.

- Morally Challenging Decisions: Confront tough choices as failures lead to decisions with irreversible consequences for the protagonists' family members.

- Score Ratings: Can you Save your Family?

Dare to challenge your intellect and morality in this gripping horror experience.


  • Mouse wheel  or Arrows Up / Down to lean in and look down
  • R Click to zoom camera to Magnifying cursor
  • L Click to interact
  • Words can be typed and entered with IRL keyboard


The lowest device I tested on was an Alienware 17 Laptop and its specs were....


CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory - 32GB RAM

The game ran ok other than a couple of frame jitters here and there.

For more information on DISORDER and the development of this game, please check out the Blogs below.

Updated 7 hours ago
Published 5 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
TagsCreepy, First-Person, hangman, Horror, Singleplayer, Word game
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Development log


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The Disorder minigame is straight up broken. I saw your previous comment below that makes it sound like you are manually keeping track of all possible words per each set of scrambled letters which, I don't say this to be mean, sounds incredibly inefficient. I don't know what this is made with/in but there must be some way to implement a solution where the computer can just determine for you all the possible word combinations or something. I'm not an experienced programmer though, so make of that what you will.

I've tried to play this to completion for like 5+ hours now and every time I am close to saving everyone, I am "forced" to mess up at Disorder because it will not accept the plethora of valid words I am able to come up with. It's incredibly frustrating. It's a shame cause it's otherwise a fun, little game with a neat atmosphere. The fact that I'm what feels like being forced to lose just really sours the experience.

Hi Reveiller! 

I appreciate the feedback mate! yes the Disorder game mode is broken atm and it is a simple fix that will be pushed out today.

Basically what has happened is the scrambled letters are stored in an array and the scrambled letters in that array were not being cleared correctly before the next round of disorder, so the letters displayed on the second round of disorder are joined by the first set of scrambled letters, this is now fixed and I am just tweaking a few other things before I push the next build up.

I really appreciate you playing and for the feedback! I work on this game everyday and I am also the only developer on the game so I am covering all the bases between modelling, texturing, animating, programming etc so not everything is the most efficient but it doesn't mean it wont be in the future haha 



Definitely a different style of game, always loved word games and puzzles so add that with a great horror theme of saving your family makes for an great play, 100% recommend giving it a try 

Thank you Tatts!! I appreciate you mate!


Great game and a nice twist on the classic hangman.
Solid foundation and looking forward to what else you can add to this already cool experience.

Cheers mate! 

Hey Al Catone!!
I Really appreciate that dude!!



Hopefully I will get this game soon It looks amazing

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you tell me the system requirements please?

(1 edit)

Hi ngaudz, so the lowest system I tested on was an Alienware 17


CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory - 32GB RAM

and the game ran ok. hope that helps :)


Really enjoyable experience so far.

I found a bug, basically when you spam your keyboard during the "hangman" segment you can brute force your way to figuring out the 3 words. By pressing multiple buttons at once, it will only recognise if you got 1 wrong, allowing you to easily figure it out. I saw you are adding more words to your database which will make things much better! Also i noticed that the shotgun with the egg timer segment seems to continually go off even after its not being used afterward and think it would benefit by being muted after a person has been shot! 

So many awesome aspects but just wanted to share my findings. Looking forward to where this goes! 

All the best

Great feedback MrDodgex!!
thank you mate!! all of those are being addressed so I should have a better build to you soon.


Also I feel this definitely takes place somewhere in the https://whalitf.itch.io/darkweb-streamer universe, at least enough to use that as an excuse to make sure you know about this game.

Thank you Legion :) I will check it out


Thank you for having the courage to be the person to ask "where is the intersection between Wordle and SAW", I commend you, and I find this, unironically, to be stunning and brave.


Very fun. I'm a big fan of word games, so this is a nice take. A couple of things I've noticed: 

1. What I click on doesn't always correspond to what actually gets pressed. It seems that clicking on the middle of a key causes the key directly below it to get pressed.

2. The timed "type as many words as you can" round just straight-up does not accept any words I type in. It doesn't accept the "fill a word out for me" button either. 

I have no idea if these are intentional or not, but just figured I'd mention.


Hey RoyalJiggle!! thank you for the feedback!

I will do another pass over the key collision today, thank you for that.

So with the Disorder game mode, there is still some words missing from the database (there were waaaay more word combinations than I was expecting haha) so there is a chance some words won't fire but my wife and I are adding more words nearly every update so I hope to have less chance of that occurring soon.

I will have a new build out sometime tonight so hopefully it works better for you :)




NEW VIDEO!!! Today we play Disorder a phycological word association game, with a twist. Can we save the family?

I loved this game, spent two hours playing before I figured out I finished the game on my first round lol. The amount of different possibilities is amazing cant wait for more.

Thank you JaimieeGaming! Im glad you enjoyed the game mate :)


Cheers for the reply can't wait to try again!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Really enjoyed this game, thought it was really fun to play, there was a couple things though, the zoom had a mind of its own alot of the time, also the timer on the shotgun, i don't know if its a glitch but seems that it gave you maybe 30 seconds to complete all 3 rounds, it wouldn't reset the timer after the first round, don't know if that was intentional but if it was then ignore all this haha, and also some of the words that i would get in previous rounds would not work again when repeated, all in all though this was fantastic and really reminiscent of buckshot roulette, cant wait to see what's next!

Thank you GoopyApple!! I really appreciate the feedback mate! I am aware of a couple of bugs with the zoom and shotgun timer and will be addressing them very soon :)


legend!, honestly love your vision and i really hope you keep adding to it im thinking of doing another video and i really wanna save them all hahaha



Wow, you just made my week Mike! Thank you!


Well this game was fun just in a room playing games for my family's life.

Loved your reactions RandomOne!! Thanks for playing mate!


Cool game. I really love it in games/tv where the villain gives the person a chance/illusion of chance, to survive. It would be cool to see more of the players interactions/relationship with their family pre-kidnapping, in order to build more on the stress of the choices. I really loved the difficulty; it makes succeeding even more of a reward! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the kind words ocean!! I have so many cool plans and ideas for the future of this game.


The latest update broke the game more for me. When I try to zoom in to see what's on the "computer" it zooms everywhere but there. Only the big screens. Also, if a family member had died or survived prior to the last round, it shows place holder on their screens making it impossible to survive. 

Hope that gets fixed soon, I'm still trying to save them all :)

Thank you for the feedback psykongelic, I will investigate that here shortly

Hi psykongelic, I have tried to replicate your issues and can't seem to, if you are happy to help and can send a screenshot of what you are seeing to StonieDudeDev@Gmail.com, I will try and get this solved for you asap mate.



didn't cross my mind to take a screenshot. I'll try it again in a few and I'll send it over. 

Just sent it your way. Since it has an attachment, be sure to check junk mail, just in case, Subject has my user name

Awesome, thank you for that!

Will this game ever be free you think?

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, so I thought I was generally good at anagrams, ditloids and hangman puzzles...until I played 'Disorder.' Maybe it's the heat. The mugginess in the UK at the moment is affecting my brain capacity. Sure, that's it. Sure. I'll use that as an excuse...

With a fiendish plot at play (your family have been kidnapped and you have to save them by playing word games) Disorder has that highly sought after and coveted 'just one more time, I'll save them this time!' replayability factor - it's also dripping with tension and atmosphere. Who is the mysterious Ghoul man with arm sleeve tattoos and shotgun? Have we been targeted because the player is an internet troll?

Not sure, because I never actually managed to save my poor, tortured family. (Sorry Pops! Sorry Ma!)

Taking a fairly simple premise and twisting it into a dark, macabre game of life and death (a-la BuckShot Roulette, Egg's Tale etc) this is one of those stand-out games that you'll keep on coming back to. Well done on this, and I hope to see more in the future! 

Note: Just had a thought - what about a multiplayer version where each family member is pitted against each other and the first one to solve the word puzzle is 'safe' for that round (i.e. you don't want to be the last one to get the anagram, etc?) A lot of future potential with this one... 

Hey Mr Selfy!! that was a awesome review!! thanks for that mate!!


This game was truly disturbing, but oddly addicting at the same time! I really like what you have here. Left some thoughts at the end of the video!

Great video Don!! Cheers!


Could you put it in Spanish please?

Yes, I have plans to localise it for Spanish and many other languages

(1 edit) (+1)

I think you have something real solid on your hands here, but after five rounds I have to admit I straight-up don't get what the game wants me to do during the later rounds of disorder. 

The entire letter bank can change (sometimes multiple times) in the middle of typing out one word, and I can't figure out if I'm supposed to adjust my word mid-entry to account for the new letter bank or finish the word I started typing. Both approaches have gotten me inconsistent results, and it's a bit frustrating to try testing it when the scrambling starts so late into the run.

Hi Hex Machina!
So with disorder, there is a large array of preset letter combos. Each combo has a max of 8 letters and an average of around 100 words to form with those letters.

The game will choose one of these combos at the start of the round and shuffle the letters around. during the later rounds the game will shuffle those 8 letters again after a few seconds, so the game doesn't bring in a new set of letters, it is the same letters in each round so you don't need to adjust your words or anything. I just found during development it made the rounds much harder.

I also found the shuffling made rounds easier at times so i nearly removed it and made it a lifeline instead (Lifelines coming soon)

Thanks for playing! and for the feedback Hex!


I believe I may be encountering a significant bug, in that case. Frequently I'll reach the round with the egg timer and find the letter bank rapidly begins toggling between entirely new sets. These are screenshots taken only a few seconds apart from my most recent run:

When this happens, there appears to be a single set the game chooses as the "real" list its accepting words from but shuffles in new sets of letters on the display whenever the letter bank would be scrambled instead of shuffling their order.


Ooh this is the first time I have seen this!! Thanks you hex! I will investigate and push out a patch later today. Your name will be carved in the table too ;) 




That's rad! Thank you. Happy to help out. 


Really enjoying the game, im very curious to know,what is everyone's most difficult game mode in the game?

Thanks for playing Muss!! more difficult modes coming soon!


Enjoying the game but man is it frustrating trying to get them all out. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if it's a glitch but it seems like during the disorder bit it's not accepting some of my words even though the letters are there? (not during the shuffling letters version).

Hi whimbestle! sorry about that :S

So atm there is an average of around 100 words for each letter combo so there is still a chance there is a word we missed (my wife & I spent many hours adding words haha)

We are always adding new words so with time there should be less chance of missing words.


No problem! I appreciate your hard work and will keep trying until I get them all :)


its on table and its one of the puzzle answers whoever kidnapped my family must hate drake. MAYBE WERE DRAKE AND THATS WHY THEY KIDNAPPED US!!!


Haha plot twist! You are drake.



Your game is amazing! I am definitely playing again. I want to save them. 😭

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it.


i have a twitch stream with about 2.5k ccv, I was wondering if i could get a key for reviewing?


Hi! A youtuber I watch, ManlyBadassHero, played this game and I'm interested - but before I feel sure in buying, is there a way to reduce/remove headbobbing? I don't want to devalue the atmosphere it adds to the game, but missing the key you're trying to press looks frustrating.


Hi OurMasterAM!! I will be reducing the headbobbing in an upcoming update in the next day or so. I initially wanted the headbobbing to kind of represent the stress the protagonist is under but see it needs to be reduced.. also you can play the game just by typing with your keyboard which i failed to mention in the description haha




Oh, that's fantastic! Thanks for letting me know, I'll be picking this one up for sure then!


really creepy game....you just dont know whats coming next...really well made too, very unique..imagine a game show like this!!!


This is an awesome game.  Nail biting all the way through.  The concept of having to choose who will live or die.....Well done amazing.